Benefits of invisible dog fence
The dog fence. Dog fences do not move the minds much less than chemical tick repellents for the dog or electric collars for dogs. We try to take a neutral look at the advantages and disadvantages of the dog fence. Not a few say that an invisible dog fence prevents their dogs from running on the street, others find dog education with electrics impossible. But let’s stick with the advantages of the electric or invisible dog fence.
A fence can obstruct the view and can affect the appearance of the house. This is certainly not the case with an invisible dog fence. Security is certainly not the big plus now, but if properly fastened and of good quality, an invisible dog fence cannot do the job much worse than a real fence.
These invisible fences for dogs work by means of electrical signals. As described here at, this type of fence defines a marked area. If the dog comes too close to this area, the collar of the dog receives a warning signal. A warning tone sounds. Only when the signal is exceeded does an (often controversial) electrical impulse occur.
The advantages and arguments for an invisible fence:
An electronic fence is simply cheaper. Not infrequently there are clear requirements as to how a fence may look. This can also be at the expense of the safety of the dog. Because not every fence has the right height to ensure that the dog gets out of the way and into danger. Furthermore, an invisible sauna is quickly fastened and attached next to the money-saving effect.
Those who own a large property often have no other choice. Although one can afford in the city usually only little property, but all those, which have a gigantic property possibly on the country, an invisible fence is perhaps almost the only possibility for sufficient security of the dog to provide. Because a large property wants to be fenced in first. One could argue that an invisible fence is better than keeping a dog in the house.
Optics. As already mentioned above, a real fence, which also provides sufficient security, can disturb the appearance of the property sensitively. Not few will refute this with the words. So what, the well-being of the dog is much more important.
More movement possibilities for the dog. As already mentioned, invisible dog fences allow the limitation of large areas. Thus supporters can argue that they can give the dog the necessary free space only with an invisible fence.
An electric fence is affordable for most people. Many neighborhoods and developments have strict rules governing the type of fence. Although electronic fences can be expensive, they are often significantly lower than the cost of materials and installation for traditional fences, especially the high-end options required in some places.
Security. A fence that is too low may not provide sufficient security. A high quality and properly installed fence that is invisible can provide added value in terms of security.
Attention here come the disadvantages of these fences
Disadvantages of an electric dog fence
I’m sure you can tell. We try to report as neutrally as possible and weigh both sides. When it comes to animals – and that’s a good thing – there are endless debates. What is good for the dog, what is bad? We are friends of constructive debate instead of militant slapping. In this sense here are the contra arguments:
It is just not safe. Although one’s own dog is prevented from crossing over, what if it ignores all warnings and signals during the hunt or another dog crosses the border?
Dog education with electrical elements damages the dog. The force of the shock signal is discussed. While some argue that the shock signal is very mild, others say that it has to be strong to keep the dog from getting away.
Incorrect conditioning of the dog. The dog could possibly associate positive things with electric shocks. This could have a negative effect on the dog’s character and behaviour. An example is the postman whom the Hudn would like to welcome, but is prevented from doing so by electric shock.
We do not know.
In the case of invisible dog fences, i.e. mostly electric fences that are not recognisable, fences are not uncontroversial. It certainly makes sense to consider alternatives, but there are certainly situations in which an electric fence may be necessary to ensure maximum safety. The basic prerequisite for advocating an electronic dog fence is in any case that the dog is not in pain, because pain must always be avoided. Overall, however, we are grateful for the debates we are having today for the benefit of our dogs. Some time ago it would certainly not have been possible to discuss cereal-free dog food, superfood for dogs or towlines. All these discussions only show how important dogs are in our society and how important they are to us. For more details about invisible dog fence, visit The Pampered Pup twitter account @PupPampered.